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- by Jacob Bronowski
There are two parts to the human dilemma. One is the belief that the end justifies the means. That push-button philosophy, that deliberate deafness to suffering, has become the monster in the war machine. The other is the betrayal of the human spirit: the assertion of dogma that closes the mind, and turns a nation, a civilization, into a regiment of ghosts – obedient ghosts or tortured ghosts.
A new paperback edition of Dr. Bronowski’s classic history of humankind, with a foreword by Richard Dawkins
Dr. Jacob Bronowksi’s classic traces the development of human society through our understanding of science. First published in 1973 to accompany the groundbreaking BBC television series, it is considered one of the first works of “popular science,” illuminating the historical and social context of scientific development for a generation of readers. In his highly accessible style, Dr. Bronowski discusses human invention from the flint tool to geometry, agriculture to genetics, and from alchemy to the theory of relativity, showing how they all are expressions of our ability to understand and control nature. In this new paperback edition, The Ascent of Man inspires, influences, and informs as profoundly as ever.
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BSI Is excited to release our Investigation section of the Broken Science web site. This page features investigative work we've been doing in the background.
All of statistics and much of science depends on probability — an astonishing achievement, considering no one’s really sure what it is.