Welcome to MetFix


What does the evolution of Greg Glassman’s methodology look like?

We’re going deeper. We’re taking what we built with CrossFit, and we’re sharpening it into a tool that can cut through the epidemic of chronic disease that’s killing millions and bankrupting nations.

We’re talking about a reconstruction of the fitness industry that doesn’t just prepare people for the unknown and the unknowable, but actively fights and reverses the world’s leading causes of death—diabetes, heart disease, obesity, and more.


Chronic disease is a modern plague, but also largely preventable and, in many cases, reversible. The problem is that the fitness industry, and even the medical community, have been playing defense for too long. We’ve been treating symptoms, not addressing the root causes.

With this new initiative, we’re flipping the script.

We’re making fitness the frontline treatment.

We’re not waiting for people to get sick; we’re going after the causes of sickness and we’re empowering coaches to become more than just trainers—they are health warriors, armed with the knowledge and tools to save lives.

Nutrition education coupled with world-class exercise instruction will return us to Greg’s mission of professionalizing the personal trainer.

Fitness isn’t just about being ready for life—it’s about taking control of it.

Let’s make no mistake: this is war. It’s a war against the sugar, the processed food, the seed oils, the sedentary lifestyle, and the chronic diseases that have been killing us slowly. We’re not here to play defense anymore. We’re going on the attack, and we’re taking back our health, one person, one community at a time.


Our society is for the best-in-class gym owners and personal trainers. We’re a community of service-minded, expert coaches, united by a mission to steward healthy lifestyles.

At their training academies and in their professional practices, our members offer the highest level, most effective, and most impactful fitness training in the world.


MetaFix is currently in an invite-only phase, with sponsorship from existing members a prerequisite. After applying, each applicant must go through a 1-2 month review and vetting process.

Please fill out the form below for consideration at a later time.


A collection of articles  and videos by BSI’s co-founder Greg Glassman. Dating back to the early 2000’s, Coach Glassman’s writings and lectures brought forth profound ideas that reconstructed the health and fitness world for the better.