Research Manipulation Part X: An existential crisis?
Is the placebo effect real? Evidence Based Medicine is built upon controlled trials, but the positive effects demonstrated in these trials may not actually exist.
Is the placebo effect real? Evidence Based Medicine is built upon controlled trials, but the positive effects demonstrated in these trials may not actually exist.
Over the years there have been many risk calculators for cardiovascular disease. Which of them works best? The answer is… none of them.
If we can’t trust study results, and we can’t repeat studies, where do we stand?
Malcolm explains how trials become unblinded, either officially or through indicators in biomarkers.
Malcolm elaborates on the power to manipulate studies when placebos are not benign.
As everyone knows, a placebo is an inactive ‘sugar’ pill. Except when it isn’t. Which is almost always.
Breaking down composite endpoints to their component parts.
Explaining how a clinical trial can report success – when there is none.
In February of 2023 Dr. Kendrick spoke at BSI’s event in Phoenix, AZ. Malcom’s presentation recaps the history of the diet-heart hypothesis, the supposed link between cholesterol and cardiovascular death, and how drug companies have fooled doctors into prescribing medications that are harming patients rather than helping them.
In this edition Malcolm explains how study results can be carefully worded, to imply results that are actually contrary to data.