Category: Articles
Category: Articles
Definitions of key concepts, such as VO2 max, lactate threshold and more.
In this issue we’ll look at the distinctions between aerobic and anaerobic exercise in detail, and examine interval training.
There are no bad intervals, only weak efforts. Variety and intensity will ultimately determine preparedness.
Both devices address problems that have long plagued our training efforts.
Coach Glassman explains the points of performance for the GHD sit-up, L-sit, and hollow rock.
We are routinely challenged to provide workouts for individuals with little workout experience and very limited resources. That’s not our first choice of circumstances, but the exercise seems worthy.
We’ve long desired to offer a fitness competition consistent with our fitness model and have found the task fraught with difficulties.
We need a warm-up that will increase body temperature and heart rate, provide some stretching, stimulate the entire body and major biomechanical functions, provide practice for basic movements, and finally, prepare for rigorous athletic training.