This new initiative is dedicated to addressing the systemic issues plaguing modern medicine, such as failing research validation and dwindling doctor morale. Our mission is to foster an environment where scientific inquiry is free from bias and medical professionals can pursue treatments validated by robust, predictive models.

The Medical Society is set up for those who seek to innovate and advance medical science through rigorous evidence and robust debate. We champion an environment where consensus does not overshadow the pursuit of knowledge. Our goal is to reshape the landscape of medical research and practice, ensuring they are driven by data and genuine efficacy, not by tradition or financial incentives.

We are now accepting applications! Fill out the form below to apply. If accepted, the suggested membership donation is $2500.

In the meantime, please join our next Journal Club on July 25th.


The Importance of BSI Medical Society


  • Educational Content: Access a rich library of resources to enhance your knowledge and skills.
  • The Journal Club: Engage in regular sessions critically analyzing the latest studies.(Please note: if you sign up for the first Journal Club on June 12th, your membership dues will be discounted by the participation fee of $250 for that Journal Club, once your membership is approved.) 
  • Professional Networking: Connect with healthcare professionals across various fields.
  • Physician Network: Collaborate and refer patients within a trusted network.
  • Discounted Access to Annual Conference: Benefit from reduced rates at our significant yearly gathering.
  • Exclusive Medical Society Merchandise: Receive specially designed merchandise available only to members.
  • Engage in forums that allow for research projects, shared research findings, publications, and private discussions.
  • A personalized landing page to promote your work and practice that will be highly visible to potential patients and a larger audience.
  • An intranet of networking opportunities that include introductory videos like these from our founding member experts.


  • Don’t accept the status quo on face value.
  • Contribute to and benefit from an approach that values rigorous testing and real-world outcomes. Clinical experience needs to count for more in practice than group think paid for by private interests.
  • Innovative Treatments: Explore potential patient improvements through non-traditional methods that face resistance in established medical frameworks, especially in the realm of chronic illness.
  • Scientific Integrity: Help expose scientific misconduct and ensure that research and treatments reflect true efficacy.
  • Meet and network with like-minded medical professionals.
  • Develop a competitive edge by offering patients clinically significant advice free from the constraints of other medical associations and publication. Get back to the practice of healing.

Be first in line for the launch


Live Now!

As part of the Medical Society, The Journal Club aims to equip medical professionals and researchers with the skills necessary to dissect and interpret complex medical literature. Our meetings will provide a structured environment where the latest studies are not only reviewed but critically analyzed for methodological soundness and relevance to clinical practice.

Upcoming Journal Clubs