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I am personally hopeful that pampering and advanced recuperative techniques will make a substantial difference. Wouldn’t that be cool?
Rising popularity of CrossFit within military and law enforcement circles has led to sufficient institutional and group adoption of our program to draw important lessons on the differences between traditional military PT and CrossFit PT.
This month we introduce six new beauties, “Isabel, Jackie, Karen, Linda, Mary, and Nancy.” You will certainly be seeing them in the lineup.
“Universal scaleability” is the language we’ve routinely used to suggest that your grandma could and should be working out with us.
We figured these six benchmarks were as good as any to demonstrate our concept of scalability. Here we offer versions of those workouts that have been “tuned down” in intensity and had exercises substituted to accommodate any audience.
We swing the kettlebell overhead while the kettlebell community swings to eye or shoulder height. No matter how many times we’re admonished for our excessive swing, we proceed unabated.
Learning the Olympic lifts is for too many athletes a shock of frustration and incompetence.
“Designed for universal scalability" finds its greatest challenge with bodyweight exercises – the stuff we call “gymnastics.”
The culture we endeavor to nurture within our community is focused on practice and results above theory and theory above personality.