Category: Articles
Category: Articles
Using surrogate end-points for clinical trials represents a massive boost for pharmaceutical company profits. So, they work hard, behind the scenes, to ensure that this happens
Much planning and setup is needed to convince the world medical treatments are effective, or even necessary in the first place.
After a diagnosis of Type 2 Diabetes Journalist Neil Barsky initially followed his doctors advice and began insulin injections. He also did his own research and found a community already aware of the root of the problem. After cutting out the carbs, he dropped his A1C, got off medications, and now considers himself cured.
A research-rating system has identified gaps in studies that assess the connection between diet and various health risks.
William Briggs examines the wildly varied outcomes produced by statistical analysts when presented identical data sets.
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick dives into history of medical breakthroughs showing us how new ideas are often shunned in order to maintain the status quo.
The end of the COVID-19 pandemic is often associated with the creation and distribution of mRNA vaccines. But were the vaccines actually as effective as they're claimed to be?
By Norbert L. Kerr Summary This paper by psychologist Norbert Kerr discusses the emerging practice in science of asserting a hypothesis after an experiment has […]