Category: Fitness
Category: Fitness
Should the shoulder remain fixed or should it elevate, moving toward the ear, during an overhead lift?
Demonstration of coaching via digital inputs with feedback from experts.
The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.
In gymnastics, completing a routine without error will not get you a perfect score, the 10.0—only a 9.7. To get the last three tenths of a point, you must demonstrate “risk, originality and virtuosity” as well as make no mistakes in execution of the routine.
We revisit the CrossFit garage-gym concept to report on the successes of what may be hundreds of CrossFit start-up gyms and the aspirations and motivations of the people behind them.
Injury, like illness, is an ineluctable fact of life.
Our default pull-up — a violent, kipping, “anyhow” pull-up — has few supporters even among pull-up connoisseurs.
This month we examine “Fran,” one of our benchmark workouts. The opportunity this affords for insights into human performance, programming, and ways of measuring and motivating progress is strong.
First published by the U.S. Navy in 1944, Gymnastics and Tumbling is today an obscure reference in danger of extinction.