Category: Fitness
Category: Fitness
The Royal Canadian Infantry School, CFB Gagetown, tested the validity of the CrossFit concept against the extant Canadian Army fitness program.
I first published our simple, distinctive workouts on the Internet in hopes of someday communicating with intelligent life in the fitness world.
Three exercises based on the overhead squat and commonly used by weightlifters to develop the snatch.
We find ourselves obligated not just to explain CrossFit’s potency but to warn of its potential lethality.
The GHD sit-up was once a gym staple. In the gym today only rarely will someone be found doing other than back extensions on the GHD.
Should the shoulder remain fixed or should it elevate, moving toward the ear, during an overhead lift?
Demonstration of coaching via digital inputs with feedback from experts.
In gymnastics, completing a routine without error will not get you a perfect score, the 10.0—only a 9.7. To get the last three tenths of a point, you must demonstrate “risk, originality and virtuosity” as well as make no mistakes in execution of the routine.
The overhead squat is the ultimate core exercise, the heart of the snatch and peerless in developing effective athletic movement.