Category: Glassman Archive
Category: Glassman Archive
It is our aim in this issue to offer a model or template for our workout programming in the hope of elaborating on our concepts and potentially stimulating productive thought on the subject of exercise prescription generally and workout construction specifically.
Learning the progression of lifts that moves from the shoulder press to the push press to the push jerk has long been a staple of the CrossFit regimen.
It would be foolish to ignore these lifts. It would be even more foolish to approach them with other than extreme caution.
The most powerful forces that can be generated by the human body are initiated, controlled, and dominated by the hip. Unfortunately, in the majority of trainees, some degree of hip dysfunction creates postures and mechanics that reduce power and stability and are generally unsound.
Due to a complex blend of physics and physiology, ergometer rowing is a heavyweight’s game!
The squat is essential to your well-being. The squat can both greatly improve your athleticism and keep your hips, back, and knees sound and functioning in your senior years.
One of the more common explanations for bad diet is being “too busy to eat right.” On the face of it this may seem plausible.
Our purpose here is to show specifically how a simple goal, like rowing a seven-minute two thousand meters, can not only be systematically and deliberately approached from multiple protocols, but can generally encourage similar thinking in pursuing other fitness milestones.
The low-fat diet has cost millions unnecessary death and suffering from heart disease, diabetes, and, it increasingly seems, a host of cancers and other chronic and debilitating illnesses.