Category: BSI Articles
Category: BSI Articles
Malcolm elaborates on the power to manipulate studies when placebos are not benign.
Big Soda has a history of cleverly concealing their influence in the health and fitness space by funneling sponsorship through proxy organizations.
William Briggs rebuts at a recent publication that claimed intermittent fasting increases risk of cardiovascular death.
As everyone knows, a placebo is an inactive ‘sugar’ pill. Except when it isn’t. Which is almost always.
William Briggs explains the basics of calculating probability, which pieces of the calculation are subjective, and how the results can influence beliefs and actions.
Breaking down composite endpoints to their component parts.
Harvard medical school 'research-integrity officer' was co-author of studies in question.
Explaining how a clinical trial can report success – when there is none.
Scientific misconduct is ever becoming more recognized as a problem, yet what exactly constitutes misconduct varies by source.