Science and the Rest Day Discussions
Link to Video summary Retired engineer, scientist, and frequent rest-day discussion participant Jeff Glassman talks with Tony Budding about argument, logic, […]
Link to Video summary Retired engineer, scientist, and frequent rest-day discussion participant Jeff Glassman talks with Tony Budding about argument, logic, […]
Coach Glassman unifies fitness and health with this revolutionary new component, a 3D model.
The aims, prescription, methodology, implementation and adaptations of CrossFit are collectively and individually unique, defining of CrossFit, and instrumental in our program’s successes in diverse applications.
Training with the attention and commitment that we bring to our practice, though fun and immensely rewarding, is also draining, and five appointments per day is about all we could handle without an unacceptable drop in energy, focus, and consequently, professional standards.
My clients are my top priority and their successes are my life’s work—I am a professional.
In gymnastics, completing a routine without error will not get you a perfect score, the 10.0—only a 9.7. To get the last three tenths of a point, you must demonstrate “risk, originality and virtuosity” as well as make no mistakes in execution of the routine.
We revisit the CrossFit garage-gym concept to report on the successes of what may be hundreds of CrossFit start-up gyms and the aspirations and motivations of the people behind them.
This month we introduce six new beauties, “Isabel, Jackie, Karen, Linda, Mary, and Nancy.” You will certainly be seeing them in the lineup.
We figured these six benchmarks were as good as any to demonstrate our concept of scalability. Here we offer versions of those workouts that have been “tuned down” in intensity and had exercises substituted to accommodate any audience.